Contesters and DXers are always looking for that competitive edge to magically pull out the weak signal that is either the rare country or multiplier they need to climb up the list. Larger antennas, higher gain pre-amps and other devices in line are great. However, what happens inside the radio with all those signals coming down your feedline can defeat all your efforts.
With the design of the IC-7851, Icom's engineers focused on a new Local Oscillator (LO) that drastically reduces the phase noise. As a result of this design, the purity of the LO achieves a Reciprocal Mixing Dynamic Range (RMDR) of 110dB. In addition to the incredibly clean LO allowing you to hear the weak signals, the new spectrum scope design enables you to see the weak ones! Faster processeors higher input gain, higher display resolution and a cleaner signal from the receiver's LO will give you a new window into the RF world. Adding this performance and functionality for both receivers give you a dual scope portal.