- The digital voice recorder captures both receive and transmit audio to your SD or USB storage devices. Up to 9 hours of continuous audio recording is possible with 2 GB of storage. Record your QSO with a rare entity or record your operating time in a contest. Operating frequency, mode, S-meter and output power are automatically captured.
Recorded list display
Whether operating phone, CW, RTTY or
PSK31/63, the IC-7851 has a convenient
memory keyer to ease operations. Record your
CQ, station information or other items in one of
8 keyer memories for the CW and digital modes;
4 memories for phone operation. For CW, the
memory keyer has timesaving functions like auto
repeat, contest serial number counter and short
Morse number functions. For phone operation,
you have a voice-saving auto repeat function.
The automatic antenna tuner utilizes tunesetting memories to record the best tuner configuration for the lowest SWR. This allows a faster response time when jumping bands or moving around in the same band.
With six antenna ports – two receive-only and
four receive/transmit – the IC-7851 enables
the operator to have fingertip control over a
vast array of antenna configurations. Switch to
80/160m and you want to use your beverage
antenna for receive, but transmit on your
vertical. Not a problem: the antenna switch
memory will automatically switch antennas
when you select the band you want to operate.
This is very convenient when using the
RS-BA1 for remote base operation.
The IC-7851 has various computer interfaces,
giving you maximum connectivity between
your computer and radio. Digital modes
become a snap when controlling with the USB
port. USB audio and some CI-V commands
including USB send (DTR/RTS) and USB
keying (CW and RTTY) are selectable. You
can also interface your computer with the S/P
DIF optical digital interface provides audio I/O.
The Ethernet jack allows you to connect the
IC-7851 directly to your router and control your
radio over your wireless Internet, or travel the
globe and operate your station remotely over
the Internet.
The IC-7851 can grow as feature and function enhancements become available via the USB or your SD Card.
Remote base operation is made easy as the IC-7851 operating system incorporates
the remote base server software. A computer is not required in
the shack for audio or rig control. Up to three, unique user log-in/password
configurations are part of the internal server. As the rig control has a priority
of service, the controls will feel like you are right in front of your rig.

Optional RS-BA1 main features
● Most functions of your transceiver, including interference rejection
functions and IF filter settings, can be controlled. Also, received
signal strength and SWR can be observed on the computer display.
● Received voice recording function.
● Optional RC-28 USB remote encoder provides a hardware dial/transmit
functions for a realistic dial operation.
● The IC-7851 can wake-up from the standby mode through the RS-BA1 software.
Other Outstanding Features
● BNC type RX input/output connectors for receiver antennas or external attenuators
● General coverage receiver covers from 30Hz to
60MHz* (* Some frequency ranges are not guaranteed.)
● Two types of preamplifiers:
Preamp 1: improves intermodulation characteristics
Preamp 2: High gain preamp for high bands
● A seven step attenuator (3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 21dB and OFF)
● A dedicated 50MHz band mixer using a Quad FET
● Twin peak filters for better RTTY signal reception
● Speech compressor increases average talk
power (SSB mode)
● TX monitor functions
● Fifty sub-audible tones (CTCSS) for repeater
● VOX (Voice operated transmission) capability
● All mode power control
● DSP controlled CW keying waveform shaping
● Multi-function electronic keyer with adjustable
keying speed, dot/dash ratio, keyer type, rise time
and paddle polarity
● Electronic keyer speed popup
● CW pitch control from 300 to 900Hz (5Hz pitch)
● CW reverse mode operation for receiving USB
side signal
● Double key jacks for front and rear panels
● Full break-in and semi break-in functions
● CW/AM auto tuning function helps to zero in on
intended signals within ±500Hz range
● Soft and sharp audio filter shapes for the Audio
Peak Filter (APF)
● Set mode functions for flexible and speedy settings
● Memo pads stores up to 10 operating frequencies
and modes
● Quick split function and split lock functions
● Quick Dualwatch function
● SSB/CW synchronous tuning
● RIT and ⊿TX variable up to 9.999kHz
● UTC/Local clock and timer function
● 1Hz pitch tuning and display
● 101 memory channels with 10-character channel name
● Built-in voice synthesizer announces the operating
frequency, mode, and S-meter level
● Programmed scan, memory scan, select
memory scan, VSC scan and ⊿f scan
● Auto tuning step function
● Dial lock function
● Main dial tension control
● Programmable band edge beeps
● S/P DIF input/output connectors
● BNC type transverter connector
● External speaker connectors for Main/Sub receivers
● FFT scope waveform averaging function for
PSK and RTTY decoder
● Screen saver function