
AH-710 Antenna

2-30MHZ Folded dipole antenna

The AH-710 is a complete preassembled multi-band, folded dipole. It is designed to work with any of the Icom ham HF transceivers as well as Marine transceivers. The AH-710 can be installed as a Flat Top or an Inverted V configuration. The antenna comes with 30m of coax cable with PL-259's at each end. One end of which plugs into the SO-239 centre-feed of the antenna and the other end to the radio socket. It also comes with 10m of white nylon halyard and waterproof tape.

- 1.9 - 30MHz
- Type Terminated Folded Dipole
- Power 150W PEP
- VSWR 1.9-18MHz <2:1, VSWR 9-18MHz <2.5:1 * Length 24m

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