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Icom duo to raise funds for British Heart Foundation

Darrell Bosley (Icom UK Commercial Product Specialist) and Ian Lockyer (Icom UK Marketing Manager) will be taking part in the London to Brighton bike ride to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation.

The event takes place on Sunday, June 16 2013 and will be the first time the duo have taken part in this grand event and are looking forward to it. Darrell said, ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time. Can't believe we are starting so early…even before the pubs open! However, on a serious note, we have all seen at first hand how friends and family suffer but hopefully events like this can help develop awareness, as well as funds for this debilitating disease.‘

You can support Darrell for this very worthwhile charity by visiting his charity page:

The British Heart Foundation is the nation's heart charity. Every day they save lives through pioneering research, providing vital information to help people reduce their own heart health risks, campaigning for change and supporting and caring for heart patients.

Everyone at Icom UK wishes both Darrell and Ian the very best of luck - and we look forward to hearing of their success and seeing the photos.

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