Blackwood Amateur Radio Society
Over the years the club has progressed from a back room in a local cafe, to a church hall, to a condemned cottage, to a second-hand prefabricated building and finally to Oakdale Community College.
Bromley and District Amateur Radio Club
Based 15 miles South-East of London in the UK, The Bromley and District Amateur Radio Society offer fully taught Licence Training, technical and general interest talks, contest group, special event & demonstrations group, direction finding hunts, construction competitions, mentoring & mutual help, newsletter, + Much Much more.
Caithness Amateur Radio Society
Caithness Amateur Radio Society is a small, friendly club that normally meets on the first and third Thursday of the month at their Skirza clubhouse.
The Camb-Hams is made up of any willing and available ham radio operator in and around Cambridgeshire who wants to be more active.
Cambridgeshire Repeater Group
The Cambridgeshire Repeater Group (CRG) provides a number of voice repeaters and one television repeater. These repeaters service users in the Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, North East Hertfordshire, North West Essex, West Suffolk and South West Norfolk areas.
Cray Valley Radio Society
Cray Valley Radio Society (CVRS) provides facilities for all those interested in the hobby in Eltham, South East London, and surrounding areas. It also attracts members from further afield because it is one of the UK's our most active amateur radio societies.
Dundee Amateur Radio Club
Welcome to the Dundee Amateur Radio Club.
Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club
Fort Purbrook Amateur Radio Club is a recently formed amateur radio club in Portsmouth. We meet on the last Friday of the month at Fort Purbrook, on Portsdown Hill, Portsmouth, PO6 1BJ. The club is in the process of becoming both RSGB Affiliated and an RSGB Registered Examination Centre. We have working radios on club nights as we have both HF and 2m/70cm antennas installed upon the Fort roof. As the club develops, we aim to have club field days within the Fort grounds using our club callsign - M0GZN. We may also look at CASHOTA operating. We welcome local amateur radio and SWL enthusiasts and aim to be a friendly, approachable and active amateur radio club. For additional information please contact Mick Ponsford, Club Secretary at
Furness Amateur Radio Society
Furness Amateur Radio Society are a small freindly club, located in South Cumbria. They are affiliated club to the RSGB and are a member of Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association.
Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society
Meetings of the Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society are held every Tuesday at the Church of The Good Shepherd, Mytholmroyd starting at 7.00 pm. Please look at our web-page for directions and further information.
Harwell Amateur Radio Society
The Society was formed more than fifty years ago by a small group of amateurs who worked at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell. By the mid-1980s it had grown to over 100 members from all around the region, meeting regularly in the Social Club until its closure in year 2000. We now have around 60 members and hold our monthly meetings at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Recreation Society premises. We also run all three RCE courses details and dates are also available on our web site.
Horsham Amateur Radio Club
Horsham Amateur Radio Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Guide Hall, 20 Denne Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1JF. NRQ TQ172304 at 20.00hrs local time. We have a variety of lectures covering a wide range of subjects. The club has two nets; the first one is on Sunday mornings at 10.00 local time on a frequency of 3.722MHz. The second is on Saturday evenings at 21.30 local time on a frequency of 144.725MHz. All are welcome to join in. We also run a number of Direction Finding competitions (Fox Hunts), these being on 2m.
Invicta Contest Group
Invicta Contest Group, is a group of like minded Amateur Radio Operators in the Kent area who come together to operate VHF and HF Radio Contests.
Mid Sussex Amateur Radio Society
Mid Sussex ARS is an RSGB-affiliated club and meets at its headquarters in Burgess Hill on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. They organise various activities ranging from talks by members or guest speakers, evenings on the air using their shack's latest SDR equipment, training evenings and used equipment sales. As well as scheduled club nights, they run many outdoor activities throughout the year, including direction-finding contests, town days, social evenings and Special Event Stations. They even have their own free online training academy!
Norfolk Amateur Radio Club
The Norfolk Amateur Radio Club meets every Wednesday at the Sixth Form Centre (block at the very front of the school) Address: City of Norwich School, Eaton Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 6PP. Offering all training needs and a full and varied programme.
Online Amateur Radio Community
The Online Amateur Radio Community is an online UK club, setup and run by it's members for the benefit of the community- without committee. The club has many of the activities you would expect from traditional physical clubs, including interactive training courses, club nights, talks, nets, contesting and construction events, as well as field days and group meets nationwide! The club is affiliated with the RSGB and accredited for the RSGB Beyond Exams program. If you are a comfortable with modern communication methods, like Discord or Teams, then this is the place to be. There is no membership cost, although donations are always welcome! Come join our 24 hour chat server offering text chat, voice, video and file sharing on a wide range of topics or visit our website.
Otley Amateur Radio Society
Otley Amateur Radio Society is a friendly group of people of all ages and form all walks of life who share a common intrest in radio communications. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in amateur radio related techologies
Quantum Technology Club
Quantum Technology Club is a club for everyone with an interest in technology (electronics, computer coding, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, BBC Micro:bit, amateur radio, techno-crafting, etc.) at all levels; beginner to 'seasoned practitioner'. We meet on the 1st/3rd Thursday of the month in Ormskirk, West Lancashire. All meetings feature free refreshment, friendly laid-back atmosphere, pizza
Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association
The Radio Amateur Old Timers' Association seeks to keep alive the pioneer spirit and traditions of the past in today’s Amateur Radio by means of personal and radio contact, whilst being mindful of any special needs.
Sheffield & District Wireless Society
Amateur radio club that brings out the very best in Amateur Radio hobby around the Sheffield area.
Sheffield Amateur Radio Club
The Sheffield Amateur radio Club was founded in the 1920 and has a very long history of Amateur radio in Sheffield. The Sheffield SARC operates from the same site and premises at the Transport Sports Club Meadhead Sheffield. and holds its meeting every Monday night.
Shirehampton A.R.C
Shirehampton A.R.C. is based in Shirehampton, 5 miles from the city of Bristol. The club holds the callsign GX4AHG and can be heard on both HF & VHF. Formal weekly meetings are suspended until further notice. However, SARC members meet on 145.575Mhz on Friday evenings at 20:00 and Sunday mornings at 11.00. Zoom calls on Friday evenings at 20:45.
South Normanton, Alfreton & District Amateur Radio Club (SNADARC)
The club is open to all Radio Amateurs, Short Wave Listeners and radio enthusiasts. The Club meets weekly at the Post Mill Community Centre, Market Street, South Normanton.
South Notts Amateur Radio Club
South Notts Amateur Radio Club are a vibrant and fun club aiming to further the interest of its members in all aspects of amateur radio and associated activities.
Southport & District Amateur Radio Club
Members interests vary widely, and they have specialists in everything from simple 2m phone (voice) operations, CW (Morse code), digital communications, IRLP (internet linking over radio), space communication, direction finding (fox hunting) and outdoor operations such as Summits on the Air (SOTA) activations.
Spalding and District Amateur Radio Society
Welcome to The Spalding And District Amateur Radio Society Website.
Stockport Radio Society
One of the Oldest Radio Societies in the UK. Formed in 1920, as Stockport Wireless Society
Warrington Amateur Radio Club
The Warrington Amateur Radio Club is one of the oldest established in the North West and has been meeting regularly since 1947.
West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS)
The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society are a not for profit organisation comprising of amateur radio enthusiasts (hams) who gather on Friday nights at the Garnethill Multicultural Centre where they are involved in many aspects of this historic and yet modern hobby.
Wirral Amateur Radio Society
Amateur radio club based in the Wirral. The club covers all three licences, offers advanced practical sessions when licences have been obtained.
Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club
Worthing and District Amateur Radio club, is very active club, meeting every Wednesday evening at 20:00 hours at the Parish Hall in South Street, Lancing, West Sussex. They celebrated the first 50 years of the club in September '98 and are now looking forward to the next 50!
Radio Amateur Satellite Organisation of the UK (AMSAT)
The organisation for Amateur Radio Satellites in the United Kingdom.
Summits on the Air
Combining amateur radio with hill-walking and mountaineering, SOTA is probably the fastest growing ham radio award programme in the World.
Ham Tests allows you to take Mock United Kingdom Amateur (Ham) Radio quizzes using their ever-increasing mock questions pool. There are questions available for the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced exams.
The Morse Code Learning Resource Website.
Official Bodies
ARRL News Service
Home of the American Radio Relay League.
Radio Society of Great Britain
The Radio Society of Great Britain is the UK's internationally recognised national society for all radio.
Sites of other interest
The website holds accessibility evaluations of amateur radio equipment, spoken word manuals, and audio demonstrations. Blind, partially sighted, and amateurs with other disabilities can often use standard equipment that at first glance would seem impossible to operate and can be incredibly resourceful. Active Elements attempts to draw together experience and knowledge gained by disabled operators from all over the world and make it available to anyone with an interest.
Contesting Online
Ham Radio contesting on the net.
Your source for D-Star Digital Information
DV Scotland
A web resource which is run by Amateur Radio enthusiasts in Scotland with regards to D-STAR, DMR and digital voice modes. A non profit website aiming to help Radio Operators get the best out of the digital side of the hobby.
Electronics and Radio Today
A great e-zine resource for everyone interested in today's electronics and radio. The site gives a huge amount of information about basic electronics and radio topics and it is especially useful for anyone studying electronics. Included on the site are such topics and basic electronics and radio concepts, basic components, simple electronics circuits, radio, ham radio, constructional techniques and much more
ICQ Amateur/Ham Radio Podcast
The ICQ Amateur Radio Podcast is a fortnightly audio broadcast of the latest amateur radio news from around the world, views, technical reviews, events and training.
IPK London
Website of Terry 2E0IPK an Amateur radio enthusiast for the last 47 years.
Tech Minds
Video channel dedicated to Ham radio, Software Defined Radio, RF Projects and software.
A web resource for UK amateur radio repeaters both analogue and digital.
Equipment website with info and pictures of everything in our radio hobby, and more. It's been officially online since the year 2000, and is still growing.