Icom Golf Team Support Peter Alliss Wheelchair Charity
A team of golfers from Radio Communication Company, Icom (UK) Ltd, recently took part in a charity match to raise funds for Peter Alliss Wheelchair charity at Chestfield Golf Club, near Whitstable. Peter Alliss was there to look over the event and give the Icom team a few tips on how to improve their game.
The biggest smile, though, was on the face of teenager Sam Cory, who has cerebal palsy. He was presented with a motorised wheelchair as a result of the annual event’s big-hearted fund-raising efforts.
Barry Vane, Commercial Dealer Manager at Icom (UK) Ltd said: “We were all very pleased to take part in this event and to meet Peter Alliss." He then went on to say, "An average electric wheelchair costs about £3,500, so it was good to be part of an event that raised over £5,000."
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