Icom - Two Way Radio Communications for Airside, Airport/Airfield Logistic Support and All Area Security

Icom have a number of ground to air solutions including handhelds, mobiles and base station units. Ground-based Two Way Radio Solutions.
Icom have a range of analogue radio products available in four types: handheld, vehicle mounted mobile, desk top base station and repeater base station. Two Way Digital Business Radio Solutions.
Icom have a two way digital radio system called IDAS (Icom Digital Advanced System) that provides outstanding communication quality, security and coverage. The system benefits from advanced 6.25 kHz channel spacing which can allow twice the amount of users than other radio systems. In addition, Icom UK have developed several security management systems that are fully compatible with IDAS systems and other different stress free solutions to staff safety. Scanners/Radio Receivers
Icom's receiver line-up is comprehensive and has products from a simple handheld receiver going up to professional base station with some of the most advanced radio technology in it. Ian Lockyer, Marketing Manager of Icom UK Ltd said, ‘Whether you are the airport operator, airline or in security, it is critical you can rely on your two way radio communications. Icom have a full range of two way radio solutions providing easy to use, dependable communications whatever your requirement.’ Icom UK Marketing - marketing@icomuk.co.uk