Icom goes Xtreme at the Motorshow
Xtreme Action Events sponsored by Icom UK have recently provided the visitors of the British Motorshow with breathtaking displays of Jetskiing, Waterskiing and wakeboarding.
Dockside crowds were wowed by the displays from the world famous Tampa Bay All Stars who kicked of the show with a human pyramid on waterskis and local talent The Pierats Jetskiing team who put on awe inspiring displays throughout the show.
The displays were co-ordinated by Paul Hughes Director of Xtreme Action Actions said, 'We used a mixture of PMR and marine radios. The PMR radios were primarily used to ensure that the whole display ran efficently making sure as one show finished, another one started. The marine radios were especially useful for keeping in contact with the London Port Authority and ensuring communication with other watercrafte coming in and out of the dock.
In closing, Paul Hughes said, ‘I would like to say a huge thanks to Icom for their sponorship and support, their communication equipment made coordinating these shows a lot easier’.
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