Innovative Radio System at Port of Liverpool

- Gladstone Lock - 1 UHF IC-FR4100 and 1 VHF IC-FR3100 Repeater
- Langton Lock - 1 UHF IC-FR4100 and 1 VHF IC-FR3100 Repeater
- Lynas – 1 VHF Master IC-FR3100 Repeater and 1 Slave IC-FR3100 Repeater Liverpool Grain Silo
The Liverpool Grain Silo is situated in the middle of the Port. Three IC-FR3100 VHF repeaters are housed near the top of the Silo, which are programmed with marine VHF channels. The UHF talk-through system was installed to give communications between port workers around the docks. This is also monitored by VTS for safety purposes. The height of the Silo provides the system with excellent coverage. Gladstone and Langton Locks
There are two remotely operated Lock's. The Gladstone and the Langton Locks have an IC-FR3100 on fixed marine channels for vessels coming into the Locks. An IC-FR4100 is used at each location for onsite engineers. Each Lock is also equipped with a PC console with a large touchscreen monitor to enable operation in case of a major emergency. Port Lynas in Anglesey
Paul Benson, Technical Director of Northwest Radio Communications, said, 'One of the main challenges of setting up this radio system was to get Port Lynas, the furthest point on the system. There is no network connection in this area so we engineered a solution that brings back radio transmissions by BT four wire line. We installed two IC-F3100 VHF repeaters with multiple channels at Point Lynas. The system is set up in a master standby configuration, so if one fails, then we can easily switch to a reserve base station and antenna. So what have been the benefits of the system? Paul Clay, VTS Manager at the Port of Liverpool said, ' our new radio system is reliable and, above all, very user friendly. The system allows us to record all voice traffic and allows us to relocate operations to other sites on the system. He added, "Our mandate is straightforward. Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) contribute to the safety of life at sea, the safety and efficiency of navigation and the protection of the marine environment. The Port has ambitious plans for the future, with a brand new Cruise Terminal already in operation, there will be more cruise liners coming into the Port, which will mean extra work for the new radio system." Paul Benson said, "This was a challenge to implement due to the requirements of the Port. We enjoyed working closely with Paul Clay in order to ascertain his requirements. The system was swapped over from the old system without any major problems. Training was given to all operators over several shifts to ensure a smooth changeover."