List your Boat Club on the Icom UK website

This website continually generates a large number of visitors with each visitor spending considerable time accessing its wealth of information and resources.
As such, those partners who have sent us case studies, news stories, links and other media have seen the benefits of extra exposure and traffic to their website.
Over the last couple of years we have tried to make our website a one-stop shop for information. So following on from other successful pages we are adding a new facility to allow you to add your boat club to our website.
So, If you are a yacht, dinghy, motorboat, windsurfing, sports boat, PWC or any club related to the water, we will list your website on the boat club section on our website and also on our links page.
All you need to do is send your club name, telephone number and email address to our marketing department at the email address below and we will add your details.
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