New Additions to the D-Star Product Range

Icom UK is pleased to announce new products to its D-Star Digital Product range.
Heading the line up is the New IC-E92D, a D-Star handportable with optional GPS speaker microphone. The set is waterproof to the same standards as Icom's marine radios and features a host of exciting functions including wideband receiver, Dualwatch capability and built-in voice recorder - and of course it works with existing UHF/VHF FM radios.
The company is also making available, for the first time, digital repeaters for repeater groups who want to operate D-Star on either 2m or 23cm. These repeaters when connected to the Internet Gateway will link multiple D-STAR repeater stations across the world…true global digital communication. For 2m digital operation, Icom is launching the ID-RP2000V 144MHz Digital Voice Repeater. This VHF Digital repeater can also be used for crossband operation with its sister repeater, the 430(440)MHz ID-RP4000V. The introduction of this repeater allows users with D-Star compatible dualbanders and even the 65W IC-2200H VHF to explore the world of digital radio. For 23cm operation, the ID-RP2V 1.2GHz Digital Voice repeater is being launched. Together with the ID-RP2D Digital Data Repeater it can provide digital data and 128kbps high-speed data communication. A dedicated D-Star mobile for 23cm is also being made available. The ID-1 was the first product available for D-STAR and can operate in both Digital Voice and Digital Data Mode. The ID-1 includes 105 alphanumeric memory channels and full PC control via the USB port. The ID-1 supports a 10BASE-T Ethernet cable for 128k DATA operation. Ian Lockyer, Marketing Manager of Icom UK Ltd said,' Icom now have a comprehensive portfolio of D-Star products covering 2m, 70cm's and 23cm's. With repeater groups embracing the new technology, now is a great time to be part of this digital revolution. Go ahead, explore the benefits of D-Star digital! '
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