Icom UK releases innovative RC-28 IP remote control system for its range of HF Amateur Radio Base Stations
Icom UK is pleased to launch the RC-28 IP remote control system that allows a user to control selected Icom HF Amateur radio transceivers through an IP Network. This new system includes remote control software together with remote control USB encoder which provides users with a radio operator’s style interface for controlling this new software product. The new system remotely controls compatible Icom transceivers through an IP network and features low voice latency to simulate the same operational experience of using an actual radio. The software element of this system comprises two components: a system configuration application to manage settings such as IP address and audio sampling rate; and remote control software that provides a user interface similar to a radio’s front panel. Memory channels, IF filter settings, interference rejection and most radio functions can be controlled through a home network or over the Internet. The remote control USB encoder provides control of this system. Utilizing the same quality tuning knob and encoder as used on Icom HF radios, the accessory provides a radio operator’s interface to complement the IP remote control software. The remote control features a sturdy push-to-talk and two user- programmable function keys. Ian Lockyer, Marketing Manager of Icom UK said, ‘The RC-28 IP remote control system is a perfect addition to an HF operator’s arsenal allowing them to operate their radio from another part of their house. The product will require an understanding of computer networking to set up, but once installed will provide a new level of flexibility to your radio operation.’ He added, ‘to illustrate the system’s capability in conjunction with the USB encoder, demonstrations will be available at the National Hamfest (28th-29th September 2012.) This system is compatible with Icom’s IC-7200, IC-7410, IC-7600 and IC-9100 with a USB cable, and with the IC-756PROIII, IC-7000, IC-7400, IC-7700 and IC-7800 with a RS-232C cable. Suggested retail price for the RC-28 IP remote control system is £282.00 inc.VAT.’ Icom UK Marketing - marketing@icomuk.co.uk11/09/2012