New Firmware Update for the IC-7600 HF Amateur radio Transceiver

• Waterfall screens, mouse operation, and other additional functions have been added to the spectrum scope.
• An APF AF Level setting has been added.
• CI-V commands for antenna control, logging software and RIT/DELTA-TX have been added.
• TX Delay (HF/50M) settings have been added to adjust the TX delay time.
• A Standby setting has been added to remotely turn ON the IC-7600 transceiver by a command from the REMOTE jack.
• “MOS-FET” is now the default value of “SEND Relay Type.” Further Information
For more information, please refer to IC-7600 Information for Firmware version 2.00.
• Firmware can be updated using a USB flash drive. Thoroughly read Section 14 (UPDATING THE FIRMWARE) of the instruction manual to know what the update requires.
• Backup your transceiver’s data onto a USB flash drive as it is possible that your data could get lost or corrupted during the update. Thoroughly read Section 10 (File saving) of the instruction manual for details.
• Never turn OFF the transceiver power during the update. Icom UK Marketing -