Two Chances To Win An Icom IC-7300 At Upcoming Amateur Events

As well as exhibiting at the Newark Hamfest 2018 and the RSGB Convention 2018, we are giving those attending the shows an opportunity to win an IC-7300 SDR Transceiver in their respective raffles.
The first chance to win this model will be the National Hamfest at Newark & Nottinghamshire Showground, Newark on 28th to 29th September.
The second chance will be at the RSGB Convention at Kents Hill Park Conference Centre, Milton Keynes on 12th to 14th October. The raffle will take place on the Sunday between 15:30pm & 16:00pm giving you another opportunity to win this fabulous radio.
Both events will be a great chance to get up close to our products and see them in action and a great day out for the amateur community.
Our team look forward to seeing you at both events.
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