IC-F7000 - HF Communication made easier than ever

Icom are pleased to announce details of their new HF transceiver for export. The compact yet extremely powerful IC-F7000 has been built from the ground up by the highly experienced Icom design team who brought us award winning products like the IC-728, IC-M700, IC-77, IC-M710, IC-78 and IC-M802. Designed to provide long distance communications for remote areas where telephone service is unreliable, non-existent or too expensive, the IC-F7000 can easily be configured for base or vehicle operation.
To fulfil the modern requirements now requested by radio operators, the IC-F7000 is fully featured with functions including ALE, Selcall, Telcall, DSP and GPS input. The radio can store 400 regular and 100 ALE channels, 100 Selcall ID's, 120 ALE ID's and 100 Telcall numbers. You can also store 20 64-character Pagecall and 20 ALE AMD 90-character text messages.
Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) has been incorporated into the IC-F7000 to improve communication signal quality. The radio can be programmed to automatically send and receive sounding signals on all operating channels to/from other ALE equipped radios in the network. By storing the received signal strength of these sounding calls, radios in the network automatically build up a table of link-quality data. When a subsequent ALE call is made, the IC-F7000 refers to these tables and selects the optimal channel for operation. Selective Calling (Selcall) is also a standard feature of the IC-F7000 and allows the radio operator to make individual or group calls. Each radio on the network is allocated a unique 4 or 6-digit identity, much like a telephone number, the operator then simply selects the corresponding number of the radio they wish to call and a Selcall will be sent. Upon successful connection, an acknowledgement signal will be sent. Other IC-F7000 capabilities available using Selcall & ALE technology include: - • GPS position/beacon call - send your own or request another radio's GPS position.• Status call - request a remote station's operating status i.e. power supply voltage, receive signal strength, output power & VSWR.
• Pagecall - send and receive up to 64-character text messages between radios.
• ALE AMD (Automatic Message Display) - send and receive up to 90-character text messages between radios using the ALE function. "This is an exciting new product for us" reports Ian Lockyer, Marketing manager of Icom (UK) Ltd. "The radio has great potential and we will be targeting government departments, commercial/business users and NGO's."
Icom UK Marketing - marketing@icomuk.co.uk