Icom Inc. Announce Dates for D-STAR QSO Party 2018
We are pleased to inform you that Icom Inc. will be holding once again a D-STAR (Digital Amateur Radio) QSO party this year. The global event will take place between September 22nd at 0.00 and September 24th at 24.00 (UTC). We have been told that the format of the party will be the same as in previous years with the goal of encouraging D-STAR operators to communicate with as many other operators across the world via D-STAR repeaters. The prizes on offer this year are an IC-R30 Handheld Receiver for 1st place, 5 Icom branded stainless steel mugs and 10 Icom branded caps. Keep an eye out for the latest updates on the D-STAR QSO Party 2018 website www.icom.co.jp/world/dqp .24/07/2018