New Vehicle Mounting Solution for the IC-SAT100 Satellite PTT Radio
Icom has introduced a mobile mount for the IC-SAT100 Satellite PTT Radio. The new solution comprises of a heavy-duty BC-247 cradle, an HM-222 fist mic and an AH-40 mag-mount antenna. The solution will be ideal for IC-SAT100 users who wish to benefit from an in-vehicle mount and will be popular among public safety and humanitarian organisations.
Central to the mounting kit is the rugged BC-247 charging cradle within which the radio firmly clicks in place, the radio is easily secured with the rubber restraining strap*. The HM-222 fist-mic is a speaker-mic so loud and clear audio is instant.
Installation of the mount is straightforward, its capable of operation between 9V and 32V DC so use in a car, truck or even on a motorcycle is a straightforward application with just one version for all.
The radio will also be charged while in the dock and there is a neat anti-theft function which can trigger an external horn when the radio is removed from the charger. This function can be deactivated with a press of a button.
The BC-247 charging cradle is supplied with a DC cable, a BC-242 multi-plug AC adapter, cable adapter, AH-40 magnet-mount external antenna and a HM-222 speaker microphone to complete the in-vehicle solution.
To watch a video overview about this solution, click on
Video: 'Vehicle Mounting Solution for the IC-SAT100 Satellite PTT Radio'
To find out more about Icom’s IC-SAT100 Satellite PTT radio, visit the
Satellite PTT radio system section of our website. Alternatively, contact our sales team on 01227 741741 or email the address below.
*Removal and refitting of helical necessary to use in or out the vehicle
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