IC-F25SR Walkie Talkie – Crushed but still working!

The IC-F25SR has always been regarded as one the most robust licence free transceivers on the market but when Aaron of Wildtalk received this one from one of his customers he was amazed to find that it was still working.
The IC-F25SR had been run over by a forklift truck and although it was a little battered it still transmitted and received perfectly!!
According to Aaron “The alloy chassis was slightly distorted and cracked but the quality of the design and the robustness of the surface mount technology kept the radio working. A new Mic, chassis, belt clip and outer case parts will see the radio back to normal!” About Wildtalk Wildtalk specialises in providing radio communications equipment tailored specifically to a customer’s application particularly in outdoors environments, then keeping it running economically. This involves supply of radios and accessories specifically to suit those needs and repair them to component level should equipment fail. www.wildtalk.com
Wildtalk Sales - sales@wildtalk.com