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New Video, D-STAR and the Icom RS-MS1A Android App

New Video, D-STAR and the Icom RS-MS1A Android App

Icom UK together with TX Films have produced a video providing an introduction to D-STAR and the Icom RS-MS1A Android D-STAR application software.

The video, introduced by Bob McCreadie (G0FGX) of TX Films features Don Turner (G4TKR) providing a number of demonstrations featuring the ID-5100 dual band D-STAR digital and the RS-MS1A Android app.

It includes: - Sending text messages and images. - How to connect to D-STAR and your nearest repeater. - Finding repeaters utilising a mapping application. - Explanation about reflectors and how to connect to them. - Where you can find the most up to date list of Icom D-STAR radio programming files and data files of UK D-STAR repeaters and reflectors.

Click here to view this video on our YouTube channel!

D-STAR and the Icom RS-MS1A Android App

To find more about D-STAR, read our article What-is-D-STAR?

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