Sergei Rebrov Excels at G6PZ Radio Station
Sergei Rebrov (UT5UDX / M0SDX), professional footballer and keen Radio Amateur enthusiast recently travelled to Somerset to operate the Icom UK sponsored contest station G6PZ. Sergei took part and did incredibly well in a 48 hour single operator contest (WPX RTTY 2009 SO2R) with the help of Icom's two top of the range IC-7700 HF transceivers.
Sergei finished with a result of 5.9 million points and 2220 contacts making Sergei's top in Europe and, amazingly, third in the entire world!
Serge commented about the performance of the Icom radios:
"I have operated many RTTY contests previous to this event but none with IC-7700 radios and all I can say is that they are hugely impressive!"
"Never before have I used a radio with filtering capabilities found on the IC-7700. My life was made much easier courtesy of their performance."
"One thing is for sure: RTTY contesting will simply not be the same without the IC-7700 and I would certainly have not been able to put in as good a score had I not been using the 7700s."
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