Icom at Stock Car Speed Association V8 Race Series
Icom radio equipment is being used at this year’s Stock Car Speed Association (SCSA) V8 Trophy Race Series. New comers ‘Team Air Ambulance’ will be using a combination of Icom radios for their communications between the Spotter and car and from the car to Pit Lane.
The primary use of the radios will be for communication between the spotter and car. The Spotter is the driver’s “mirrors”, as rear and peripheral vision in this sort of car is extremely limited. The spotter tells the driver how close other cars are, and whether it’s safe for the driver to make a move.
Traveling at 170mph, communications have to be precise – one mistake and you face crashing your car into the concrete wall that surrounds the track. The Crew Chief monitors the communications between the spotter and driver which enables him to be ready for any pit visits. The ‘Team Air Ambulance’ driver will be using the Icom IC-F210 UHF mobile radio with a special helmet set and the pit crew and spotter will be using IC-F25 UHF hand portables.
Team Air Ambulance Driver, Rob Compton said, “As an Icom dealer and specialist vehicle communications installer I knew exactly what I wanted in a radio. Icom is a quality brand, known for its ongoing technical development, and reliability so they were the obvious choice for us”
He went on to say. “Without radio communications, a car is not permitted to take part in the SCSA V8 Trophy. It is an essential safety item. Quality radio communications can be the difference between winning and losing so we’re giving ourselves the best possible chance by using Icom equipment.
Rob said, “I have been a long time supporter of the concept of the Air Ambulance services, and with them not being funded by the NHS, they need every penny they can raise. In order to raise funds for the various Air Ambulance charities, we have to sell tickets for the race meetings. Every ticket sold raises £2 for the Air Ambulance charities”.
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