Icom IC-7300 HF/50/70MHz Transceiver Firmware Update (Ver.1.13)

Icom Inc. has published a firmware update (Ver.1.13) for the IC-7300 on their global website. This new firmware has been designed to improve the FM TX audio S/N ratio.
The firmware can be downloaded from the following URL:.
www.icom.co.jp/world/support/download/firm IMPORTANTBefore you install the firmware, download the installation guide using the link on the firmware update page or from the site support webpage. To update the firmware
• An SD card or an SDHC card is required.
• Format the card in the IC-7300 before using it for the update. (If necessary, save any data that is on the card first)
• Unzip and save the downloaded firmware file in the "IC-7300" folder that is on the card.
• Save the transceiver’s data onto a separate card before starting the update as it is possible that your data could get lost or corrupted during the update. Please read Section 8 (USING AN SD CARD) of the “FULL MANUAL” for more details.
• Please read Section 15 (UPDATING THE FIRMWARE) of the “FULL MANUAL” before starting the update.
• Never turn OFF the transceiver power during the update.
•The firmware will be updated to the following versions. Main CPU: 1.13
DSP Program: 1.07
DSP Data: 1.00
FPGA: 1.12
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