Ninehundred Communications Provide Icom LTE Vehicle Solution for North Lincs Aggregates
Based in Doncaster, North Lincs Aggregates is one of Yorkshires largest suppliers of aggregates, plant machinery and contracting services. The company is also one of the latest companies to benefit from using the Icom LTE radio system. The system which features Icom LTE mobile vehicle radios was installed by radio communication specialist Ninehundred Communications and has provided the company with major cost savings through more efficient communications between its operations team and drivers.
Richard Hills, Managing Director of
North Lincs Aggregates said, ‘The two way radio system which we had been using only had coverage of about 50 miles radius which was limiting. We also had another problem with the vehicles leaving the quarries, going in different directions and the communication dropping out. It got to the stage where the system was not viable anymore.‘
The company contacted
Ninehundred Communications based in Doncaster who suggested the Icom LTE radio system and in particular its new range of vehicle mount LTE radios. They were impressed by their performance and that it would work nationwide as well. They particularly liked the clarity of the audio and functionality of the radios.
Richard said, ‘When it came to installing the radios we had between five and ten fitting at a time around the work of the vehicles coming in and out. They even came in on a Saturday morning to do the installation. I was really impressed with the service Ninehundred Communications provided.’
North Lincs Aggregates now have forty
IP501M LTE/PoC mobile radio units installed into their vehicle fleet with additional
IP503H LTE/PoC handsets also used.
Richard said, ‘What we have noticed now is a major improvement with this new radio system. We can get hold of the drivers instantly. If we have an issue, we can either contact one driver with an individual call or everyone available by a group call. It’s just pick up the microphone, speak and instructions are clearly heard.’
He added, ‘Communication wise, the new system has saved us time and money. It has assisted our drivers entering in and out of the quarries and helped our drivers find their intended destination. They just communicate with each driver and learn exactly how to get to a site. It has also helped our own in house tyre fitters and maintenance team. If a vehicle breaks down they can easily get in contact with their colleague, diagnose what the problem is and what parts to take out.’
He added, ‘The radios are robust, the signal is very clear and we can get communication whether they are here at base, in Lincoln, London, wherever…it’s a very good system.’
To find out how this system can help boost efficiency in your business, call Ninehundred Communications on 0845 600 4 900 or email Alternatively, visit the
Ninehundred Communications website.