Wheels & Fins Festival Use Icom Digital Two-Way Radio for Event Comms

The Wheels and Fins festival is a relative newcomer in the East Kent events calendar and is a family-friendly event that pulls together action sports including surf, skate and BMX, beautiful beaches, great food and exciting music. The annual event takes place in the secluded yet picturesque setting of Joss Bay in Broadstairs. With an audience of 5,000 people, multiple events going on as well as some of the best bands in the country, good communications are essential to make sure that the event runs smoothly. Wheels and Fins festival contacted Icom UK at the beginning of 2018 with their requirement and Icom provided the event held on 8th-9th September 2018 with IC-F3102D VHF two-way digital radios and dedicated noise-cancelling headsets for the organisers, stewards and other key personnel on the ground.
Dave Melmoth, Festival Director & Founder of the Wheels and Fins festival said, ‘Getting the comms right in a festival environment can be tricky. For a start, the festival is a very loud environment especially with the music and amount of people on site. The noise-cancelling headsets that were supplied with the radios made a massive difference and meant that our team could concentrate and hear instructions straight away. With so many of our team being fully occupied the Icom’s allowed us to communicate easily, clearly and efficiently.’
He added, ‘The radios were amazing, best radios we have ever had on site. They enabled us to communicate all around the venue. Without them it would have been difficult to ensure that the event ran smoothly.’
For more details about next year’s Wheels and Fins festival which takes place on the 7th & 8th September 2019, visit www.wheelsandfins.co.uk.
For more information about Icom’s IC-F3102D and the rest of its digital two-way radio solutions, visit http://icomuk.co.uk/Digital-Two-Way-Radio.