
The PS-126 external switching power supply unit replaces the PS-125.
The PS-126 looks the same as its predecessor but now features a 4-pin contact that allows it to work with the IC-7200, IC-7000, IC-7600 and the new IC-7610.
Key Features/Specifications:
- Provides 13.8 VDC ± 5%, at 25 Amps
- Input voltage: 240v
- The rear panel has 14 inch output cable with 4-pin plug prewired for the IC-7200, IC-7410 and IC-7600, IC-7610, IC-9100
- Dimensions : 4.4 x 3.7 x 11.3 inches (94x111x287mm )
- Weight : 6 lbs. 10 oz. (3 kg).
- IC-7000
Stylish and compact, the IC-7000 is the first radio in its class to have IF DSP. In fact, with features such as digital IF filter, digital twin PBT and manual notch filter the IC-7000 offers unparalleled performance not seen in a radio in this class before. Usability has also been enhanced with the incorporation of a 2.5 inch colour TFT display, eight direct access buttons and a detachable head for vehicle mounting. In short, the IC-7000 symbolises great leaps in performance, features, operability and design. - IC-7200
The IC-7200 HF/50MHz transceiver maintains all the traditions of high quality engineering that you expect from Icom. Rugged in design and easy to operate, the IC-7200 utilises the latest digital functions including digital IF filter, twin PBT and manual notch filter which are normally associated with more expensive models. The IC-7200 is ideal for field operation or at home in your shack and is designed to be one of the most practical rigs available. - IC-7410
The IC-7410 from Icom has been designed as a specialised HF/6M transceiver sporting excellent performance and features. The IC-7410 employs a high grade DSP unit and double conversion super-heterodyne system developed from the latest technology found in higher grade Icom rigs including the IC-7600, IC-7700 and IC-7800 series. In addition, the IC-7410 has a built-in 15kHz 1st IF filter and can accept up to two optional filters (3kHz/6kHz). When operated with these 1st IF filters, narrow mode signals such as the CW and SSB modes are protected from adjacent and unwanted strong signal interference. - IC-7600
The IC-7600 HF/50MHz transceiver is enhanced with some of the main features tried and tested on our flagship IC-7700/7800 models, highly regarded by Amateur operators world-wide. Add over 45 years of analogue RF circuit expertise and the result is the IC-7600, a new rig with outstanding performance and a multitude of innovative features including a newly employed double conversion superheterodyne system and dual DSP units and 3kHz IF (roofing) filter. - IC-7610
Whether it is poor band conditions, or battling to pick out a call in a large pile-up, faint signals have always been a challenge for DXers and Contesters around the world. The difference between putting the QSO in the log or having to try another time is the capability of your receiver. One key factor is the RMDR capabilities, the ability to pick out a faint signal in the presence of stronger, adjacent signals. The IC-7610 introduces dual RF direct sampling receivers, achieving 110dB RMDR, rivalling that of top-of-the-line transceivers. - IC-9100
The IC-9100 all-in-one HF/VHF/UHF transceiver covers not only HF, 6M, 2M, 70cm and 23cm* Amateur radio bands, but also a variety of operating modes including SSB, CW, AM and FM. It also features dual band simultaneous reception, satellite mode operation and RTTY decode on the display.