Icom Support Special Event Station Celebrating the Bi-Centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar
The battle of Trafalgar is considered by many as one of the most decisive naval battles, both tactically and strategically, in history. It not only eliminated Napoleon's plans to invade England, but also destroyed French naval power and ensured the dominance of the British navy throughout the world.
To commemorate the bi-centenary of the battle, Icom will be supporting this special event station which is being run by the Cray Valley Radio Society (CVRS). The station will operate on call sign GB200T, from the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich, South East London for an 8-day period from Monday 17th to Monday 24th October 2005. Icom will provide the main operating equipment comprising four radio base stations providing the means for the team to communicate across the airwaves.
Included among the models are Icom’s latest base stations, the IC-7800 and the IC-756PROIII as well as the IC-7400 and IC-910H. Icom will also be supplementing this sponsorship by providing a 'hands-on' exhibit of the latest marine communications equipment.
The Cray Valley Radio Society are no strangers to high profile special event stations. The club manned the highly successful Millennium special event station (M2000A), making 48,000 QSOs in two months. A further 24,000 QSOs were made in 10 days for HM Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee in conjunction with the Radio Society of Great Britain and the Burnham Beeches Radio Club in 2002 (GB50). Icom were proud to sponsor both of these stations.
This time the club expects to make at least 10,000 QSOs during their 8-day period of operation. The club will be active on all bands from 80 metres - 70 cm on SSB, CW and digital modes using the Icom transceivers and an Acom 1010 linear amplifier loaned by Vine Antenna Products. Operation will be from 8am to 10pm daily.The National Maritime Museum will be open to the public from 10am to 5pm daily, and as entry is free, a massive daily audience is expected. Visitors will be able to see Amateur Radio at first hand, and interact by passing a 'greetings message'.
The Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society (RNARS) will be providing a static display.There will be an award scheme for those contacting the station. Full details will be available through a specially designed website (to be announced). Special QSL cards will be available from the CVRS QSL Manager, Owen Cross G4DFI.
John Turner, G0KFO Amateur Radio Dealer Manager for Icom (UK) Ltd said, ‘Icom (UK) Ltd are extremely pleased to be onboard again with the Cray Valley Radio society. M2000A and GB50 were very special and tremendously successful. We are certain that this station will be just as prestigious and successful.'
Bob Treacher, [M3RCV/BRS32525] of the Cray Valley Radio Society said, 'we are delighted to team up again with Icom. Icom provided great support to Cray Valley Radio Society at M2000A in Greenwich to celebrate the Millennium in 2000, and GB50 from Windsor Castle to celebrate HM Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee in 2002'.
He added, ' We are looking forward with much pleasure to using the IC-7800 and IC-756PROIII transceivers to make thousands of contacts to celebrate the bi-centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar.
'Picture Copyright: National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London
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