Introducing the Icom VHF/SRC Training Simulator
Icom is pleased to announce details of its VHF/SRC training simulator, allowing an approved SRC Assessor to give a live realistic demonstration of both voice and DSC message sending.
As part of the Icom solution, the SRC Assessor will receive two fully modified marine VHF radios that only talk to each other and set off safe distress calls. The units come with an interconnecting cable of 20 metres in length, which is ideal for any training environment. There are no extra modifications required by the training school other than to gain their training school MMSI number from OFCOM.
Rob Davis, an approved SRC Assessor from 'Fun on the Water' said, 'I usually spend the first section of my VHF/DSC course focussing on voice procedure. Despite previously having VHF voice simulators, using actual Icom marine radios simply make it reality. The simple fact is that the Icom marine radios allow students to carry on from VHF voice the DSC side of things more smoothly.'
He added, 'During the last course, I had no reason to use computer software other than to demonstrate how some setups may come in separate parts. But it was noticeably harder to hold their attention on the computer screen when there were actual DSC sets to play with. Basically,
Icom VHF/DSC marine radios are top kit and the more straightforward radios on the market to operate.'
Icom VHF/SRC Training Simulators are available only to SRC Assessors and RYA establishments recognised to teach the SRC course'. For more details, contact Icom UK Sales on 01227 741741 or email
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