New Case Study: Icom Licence Free Radio Solution Chosen By Yacht Havens Group
Operating nine marinas across the UK and Netherlands with over 4000 berths offering 24/7 services to customers is not an easy feat. Boat owners will expect complete security of their boats while they’re docked and if their boats are out of the water being repaired, then they will want a lead time as to when they can be back out onto the water. Communication is essential to the process.
Read our latest case study on Yacht Havens Group and how they use Icom radios to assist in the day to day running of their marinas, with particular focus on their Lymington branch, one of their largest marinas.
To read this case study, click here:
Icom Licence Free Radio Solution Chosen By Yacht Havens Group
To find out more about our range of licence free radios and business two way radios, contact our sales team on 01227 741741 or email the address below.
You can find out more about Yacht Havens Group Ltd by clicking here:
Yacht Havens Group.
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